Election 2014 Database

Welcome to our new database that we developed and provided access between Independent Election Commission of Afghanistan (IEC) and Reform and Integration (Dr. Abdullah Abdullah).

•    Mapping
•    Voter Database
•    Campaign Analysis
•    Fraud Reporting
•    Comparison of Result on Graph
•    Demographic Data
•    Barcode Reader
•    Automatically Backup
•    Multi Users Access

A data warehouse easily allowing you to store and search on any attribute imaginable about your voters.

afghanstan election

Web-based Voter contact software designed and proven to help every Conservative candidate running for any political office of any size, or any organization concerned about a public issue.

result on map

Volunteer management (and sharing) and volunteer activation, allowing huge numbers of distributed or localized volunteers to actually do real and useful actions to immediately ensure your win (e.g. make virtual phone calls, tag and id voters, etc).

compare on graph

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Bamika 2010-2020. Crafted by hand in Kabul